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Please submit the following attachments with the form:
The Application form and attachments are sent to Dean Mark Dougherty. The decision is communicated by e-mail.
The evaluation of the application takes 2-4 weeks. If the application has not been completed properly or if some attachments are missing, the process may be delayed.
The granting of a permit is subject to the applicant's undertaking to comply with the applicable legislation on the processing of personal data. The applicant should respect the confidential nature of the data and use them only for the purpose of carrying out the research referred to in this application. Upon completion of the research, the data should be destroyed in an appropriate manner. The applicant should provide the completed report upon completion of the research.
I undertake to comply with applicable data protection legislation, to use the data received only for the purpose stated in this application and its attachments and not to transfer or resell the data, and to destroy the data in an appropriate manner after completion of the research.
Only the e-mail adresses of the personnel are disclosed.